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Dignity in Birth.  Healing in Bereavement.

Welcome to StillBirthDay.



If you are miscarrying right now, or have just found out that when your pregnancy is over your baby will likely not survive, this website is the right place for you.

I am so very sorry.

It is my hope that this website will help you to:

  • learn a little bit about the kind of pregnancy/infant loss you are having
  • learn about your baby’s most recent development in the womb
  • be able to see an actual picture of a baby that is the same size as yours (only if you wish).  For greater accuracy, choose the age that your baby last measured at.
  • be able to read stories from other parents who endured pregnancy & infant loss at the same age as yours (only if you wish).  You can view the listing of gestation weeks in the right sidebar of the screen, followed by other groups of stories, such as stories from dads, stories of parents of multiples, and those from parents of children with a fatal diagnosis.   Some stories are password protected.  You can  learn what the password is, and what it means to use it.
  • learn more about the kinds of birth methods you might have for your baby
  • find ways to make the birth of your miscarried or stillborn baby meaningful
  • consider including a professionally trained Stillbirthday Birth and Bereavement Doula (SBD) in your birth plans.  Our doulas offer emotional and physical support prior to, during and after the birth of your miscarried or stillborn baby. You can also view a list of professionals who chose to list their names here at stillbirthday to provide support in the capacity of bereavement photographers, post loss lactation professionals, and more, all available in your state or online.
  • explore farewell celebrations that will help you grieve in a healthy way
  • come back to this site later, to utilize long term support services and resources listed here, and when you’re ready, to share your story, if you wish.  You are always welcome back.



All of the links you need are listed at the top of the page; however, everything listed above has also been arranged in a way that will allow you to just click different options on each page and be taken to the specific path of information that is right for you, and will answer everything listed above in an easy to understand order.  All you have to do is click the Start Here link, and we will walk through this together.  You can do this.  We will do this together.

If you are visiting stillbirthday for the first time, please be sure to scroll through our main home page, as it has current giveaway opportunities, beautiful artwork, still parenting journals, our amazing sponsors, and more.


Important disclaimer:  this is an informational site only, and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult your healthcare provider for medical information. Because this is not a medical website, we passionately strive to provide you with explanations that are sensitive and personal and not bound by medical terminology.


If you are a friend or a loved one to someone losing a baby, this website is right for you.  I pray that you will be able to explore positive, constructive ways to support your loved one, as well as find healing and support for your own grieving heart.  Thank you so very much for being here.  Please use our Before Birth section that holds a great amount of links and valuable resources that you might present to your loved one.

If you have lost your baby at any time in the past, this website is right for you.  I pray that you will be able to find healing and inspirational expressions of love for your child and closure to the grief.  I pray that you will be able to reach out to other hurting parents by sharing your story with us.  If you have had a “rainbow baby”, meaning you’ve given birth to a live baby subsequent to a pregnancy or infant loss, we’d love to add your story to the getting pregnant again section, to offer hope to other parents, and invite you to view our subsequent pregnancy support section. Additionally, if you are pregnant now, and have had a loss at any time in the past, we have a section of helpful resources for you.

If your baby has died shortly after birth (neonatal death), including SIDS or fatal diagnosis, this website is right for you.  I pray you will be able to explore all of your postpartum options here, including lactation decisions, funeral planning, and fertility decisions such as trying to conceive again.   You are also invited to share your story , and it will be held in the Newborn story section, which also includes fatal diagnosis.

Please view our resources based on the specific fertility, pregnancy, infant or child loss you’ve experienced.

If you are the father of a miscarried or stillborn baby, your feelings and experiences are just as real and valid as the mother’s.  We have a growing section of resources specific to pregnancy loss support for dads and invite you to share your story and read the stories of other stillbirthday fathers.

If you are a professional or volunteer interested in supporting families through loss, bless you.  I pray this website will allow you to have a glimpse of what pregnancy loss is like, so that you can cultivate respectful empathy and a loving, servant heart toward broken hearted parents.  You also need support through grief, so please visit our Provider Care section, where you come first.  Thank you so very much for being here.

If you have completed our birth and bereavement training, I invite you to consider advancing your knowledge by hosting a workshop, becoming an SBD Chaplain, a regional representative, a member of our diversity team, or an official affiliate.  Or, simply consider other ways you can get involved, such as through our mentorship program, prayer team, news team, Love Cupboard program, or view our Connections information including how to become a local representative.

If you would like to read our stories, please visit our sharing invitation to learn what the password is, and what it means to use it.

The founder of stillbirthday is a birth and bereavement doula and the mother of a baby born in the first trimester. You can view pieces of Heidi’s story.

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We’re all in this together.

— Heidi Faith, founder stillbirthday
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