The smallest person ever to be born was just about the size of a period at the end of a sentance Amazing, isn’t it? And yet he received no accolades, no newspaper headlines, no spot in the Guinness World Records Why is this?
Is it because virtually every minute another person around the world shares this amazing feat? Is it because he’s too small for us to see without a microscope? Is it because his birth was quiet? Is it because he wasn’t actually alive during the birth? Who is it inconveniencing, to validate his birth – to let his family validate his birth?
Mothers of pregnancy loss will tell you that periods matter However small, however fleeting, they are important In fact, don’t we all look for them, expect them, notice when they’re missing?
Yes, even the earliest pregnancy loss is more than just a period It is still a birth It is still a birthday And that person, no matter how physically small, is still valuable He is still worthy to be grieved, especially by his or her mother and family