How do you remember?

Review and Giveaway!

As parents, we are the most important people – and likely the only people – to actually speak to the reality of our lost babies – our deceased children.

How do you remember?

In what special ways do you validate the life of your baby(ies)?

Answer in the comments below for a chance to win!

Misty, from Written for Your Wall, is offering a giveaway opportunity of one of her beautiful wooden “baby boards” with custom printing on it, to one bereaved parent who leaves a comment below, stating how you remember your baby(ies).

Misty started making these sweet “baby boards” to remember her son, Isaac, who was born and who died on April 8, 2009 to anencephaly.  As she says, simply seeing his name within her home has been very soothing and validating to her.  It is healing.

She remembers her son Isaac, every day.  Every day she remembers she is his mother, that he is not here, and that he is in Heaven.

Seeing his name within her home, every day, honors this truth.

When I contacted Misty about my own baby board for my miscarried baby, I told her what his name is and that I was immediately led to 1 Samuel 1:11 when I found out that he had died.  With only that information, she put together the most amazing and beautiful board to honor and validate my son – and now I have his name in our home too, to see and to remember, every day.

I miss him, and while I do miss out on many things with him, I know that I didn’t miss out on him.  He is very much a reality – one who I only shared a moment with in this life, but who I spend the rest of my life waiting to see again in the next.

For Misty, it has been extremely important to validate that her son is very much alive – every single day – in Heaven.  He didn’t just disappear, float into nothingness, or undo his existance.

Misty says, “Isaac is REAL and he lives. He is a part of our family forever and his place in our lives is secure. We remember and honor him because we know he exists and that we will be together, as a whole family, again one day!!”

Our children, mine and hers,  are real.  They are alive in Heaven.  Every day.

In honor of the third stillbirthday of Misty’s son Isaac, and in honor of the first stillbirthday of my miscarried baby, both welcomed into our arms – and into Heaven – in April,  together Misty and I are presenting a special gift to another loss parent who participates in this giveaway.

These boards are specially priced for bereaved parents at only $13.50, which includes shipping and handling.  Please visit her site to learn more about customizing your special keepsake.

But now, this is what the LORD says—  he who created you, he who formed you: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.  ~Isaiah 43:1

 With Baby Loss Mother’s day fast approaching (May 6), Mother’s day right behind it (May 11), and Father’s day just after that (June 17), now is certainly the time to consider adding one of these beautiful baby boards to your home.  That’s right – if you’ve been looking for the perfect gift for your man, to validate his fatherhood role and give him something meaningful – a baby board would be a perfect gift.  They are strong, durable, simple and so very beautiful.  A baby board is something both of you will treasure having in your home for many years to come.

This giveaway will run throughout the month of April.  A random person from the comments below will then be selected as the winnner, with details on how to contact Misty to obtain your beautiful baby board, with your baby’s name and a special message that you customize.  The winner will be announced at our Facebook page on May 1.

Let us all learn how others remember their babies, to be encouraged with ideas, as you enter to win a special item for your home!

How do you remember?  Do you remember every day?


This giveaway is now closed.  The winner is Syds.Kid!

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