My Sweet Snowflakes

Told by: Emily

I am writing to share my story of my sweet, wonderful Snowflake babies.

I adopted 9 embryos in February 2008 through Nightlight Christian Adoption.  My first transfer was June 26, 2008 in which we thawed and transferred 2 beautiful embryos.  One embryo grew and developed into our gorgeous Grace Kerah-Isabella who is now 4 1/2 years old.

Unfortunately the other precious embryo, Peace Ivanna, was unable to implant and went home to be with her Heavenly Father.  My heart grieves daily at the loss of this sweet little one, but I rest in the hope of knowing we will meet again someday.  My second transfer was March 30, 2011.  We again thawed and transferred 2 healthy embryos.

Praise God, both of these embryos snuggled in and became my handsome Isaac Jeffrey and Isaiah David who are 23 months!  We are in the process of preparing for our next transfer which will be around December 4, 2013.

We will again thaw and transfer 2 more of my beloved embryos and I pray for another set of twins.  We will continue to do transfers every 2 years until each of our little ones has a chance to be born.

I pray that all of my remaining embryos are able to thaw, transfer, grow and be born.  I love all my Snowflake babies.

~Emily (mother of 5 born children, 1 heavenly child, and 5 frozen children)



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Birth and death; we all move between these two unknowns.

— Bryant H. McGill

The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.

— Lois McMaster Bujold

Everything that gets born dies.

— Morrie Schwartz

Every baby is born.

— Cathy Gordon, CNM

Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death.

— Erik Erikson
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