Community Project


Your Community Project is at its simplest, a collection of birth and/or bereavement resources you’ll be able to provide to the families you serve.  There is information in the promotional materials at the registration page, as well as a sample in the Student Resources link.  Your list might include:

  • conception/fertility assistance
  • prenatal/pregnancy resources such as OBs, midwives and doulas you might recommend
  • birth resources including hospitals or birthing centers you recommend
  • The Welcoming resources including local NICUs, baby boutiques, new motherhood resources
  • Farewell resources including chaplains, crematoriums and funeral homes
  • Healing Journey resources including local infant loss support groups

You can construct your community project in any way that best fits you and the families you serve.  Ideas might include a word document general listing, a brochure or two, or pages on your website.

When it’s complete you’ll likely want to send it to Heidi Faith via email at

In constructing your Community Project for graduation, please note that you may want/need to go back in and edit portions of your project before presenting your materials to families or local resources, as you’ll want to be sure to bear the SBD credential after your name, and if you’re including contact information you may want to link back to your stillbirthday URL.

Your Community Project is an opportunity for you to ensure that as you are standing alongside a family, they know that you will do what you are able to prevent gaps and overlaps of care as you provide options and supplement resources for their journey.  If you found that your interview projects were challenging, you might desire your Community Project to reflect the even deeper investigative research you might have pursued in acquiring the best resource list for the families you serve.

Your Community Project is an ongoing project.  It is something that will change in the course of your professional journey as you learn of more resources and as others develop or improve over time.


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«    3 of 16    »

Miscarriages are labor, miscarriages are birth. To consider them less dishonors the woman whose womb has held life, however briefly.

— Kathryn Miller Ridiman

Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave.

— Joseph Hall

Even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh.

— Robert Bolt

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.

— H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The road to the sacred leads through the secular.

— Abraham Joshua Heschel
«    3 of 16    »

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We onboard enrolled students into the program by email invitation.

After tuition, you can email directly to expedite this step.  Alternatively, if you prefer fb communications, you can join us in Admissions.

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