Told by: Amaris
I am a 22-year-old college student. I have two living sisters, and one brother. I also have another sister, her name is LeeAnn, and she is lucky enough to be in the presence of Jesus Christ and God in Heaven! I am happy I stumbled upon this site as it was just her 23rd birthday yesterday. My Mom cannot tell people about LeeAnn as it is a painful story to tell. It is even too painful for me to reveal everything that she has told me, so all I wanted to say was that I am blessed to have a sister named LeeAnn. My Mom named me and my other sisters with LeeAnn’s name as our middle name. I am reminded of her every time I write my name on anything. She is very special to me and my family. We love her and I know I will see her someday when I go home to Heaven. She watches out for me, and she is the sweetest little girl in the world. A lot of the time when I need help she is there for me. I ask her sometimes to pray for me and then things go well for me.
I just wanted to tell you all about my sister because I want you to know what a wonderful sister I have. I also want to let you know that everything is alright. My Mom is okay, I know she hurt for a long time but my sister is safe in Heaven, and that comforts her. What better place is there to be than safe in God’s arms with Christ the King?