Brave Gift of God

Told by: Danielle

I was 17 weeks and 3 days, and it was time to find out what we where having.

My husband and I had a 2 year old son. Well I found out the weekend after mothers day 2011. Went into the ultrasound on a Monday, the day after Mothers day, and the ultrasound tech couldn’t find a heartbeat – and my biggest fear came true, that I had lost my baby.

Well the doctor told my husband and I we could deliver normal or have an d & c. Well when we got home I told my husband that I would like to do the delivery not the d & c.

Because I was so upset my husband set up the stuff with the doctor.  Well I had to go into the hospital on a Thursday morning, and had my baby boy Thursday night; it was May 12 2011. We named him Brayden Mattox –  the name means brave gift of God.

I had to stay at the hospital for a night but that was the absolute worst night of my life.

Six weeks after my baby boy got his angel wings I found out I was pregnant again and we had a girl, her name is Athena.

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I would not undo his existence just to undo my pain.

Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.

— George Eliot

Much more than pro-life or pro-choice, I am pro-healing.

— an SBD Doula

I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different.

— T.S. Eliot

Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, without hurrying.

— Jean Cocteau
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