61 and 41 Years Later

Told by: Joyce

I will never forget the nurse who saw me pacing the floor the night that I had my full-term stillborn son on Oct. 28th, 1972.

She took me to a room and started to cry and said “I had a stillborn child 20 years ago…”

I think I was stunned because I stopped crying. I thought, 20 years ago!  

It is now 41 years later and I can fully understand her reaction. I happened upon this site through the book “I’ll love you forever“.  Both of my adopted children have been read this book over and over. To this day I’ll sing off with I’ll love you forever…..

I truly know what that means after 41 years and 60 years of living. I know all of you on this site will understand.




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To love another person is to see the face of God.

— Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Don’t be ashamed of your story, for it will inspire others.

— Anonymous

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

— Henry David Thoreou

The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.

— Jacques Banigne Bossuel

And I gave him back to the Lord.

— Hannah, of her son Samuel
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