Samantha Grace

Told by: Christina


I lost my beautiful baby girl Samantha Grace on July 24th, 2014.

I developed preeclampsia in the last few weeks of my pregnancy and when I was 40 weeks and 2 days the doctors decided to induce me.

I went to the hospital on the 23rd in the morning because my blood pressure was so high. They induced me at 5:00 that night, after they inserted a balloon to dilate my cervix they told me to go home and then come back in the morning. I listened to the doctors cause I thought doctors the know best and it was my first pregnancy. After being at my sisters house for five hours the balloon fell out and the doctor said by the time the balloon falls out I’ll be 4cm so we headed to the hospital, by the time we got to the hospital I was 8 cm. I dilated 4 cm in 20 minutes. After being at the hospital for 20 minutes we found out my baby girl didn’t have a heart beat any more. My baby girl was born at 3:33.

After I gave birth we found out that because I dilated so quickly my placenta tore from the uterine wall and the umbilical cord was by her face and she lacked oxygen. It felt like a bad dream at first and I wanted to wake up from it. I didn’t understand why. I just kept asking why. My baby girl had a vibrant heart beat at 6:00 that night then by 12:00 she was gone. I know that she is in the loving arms of Jesus now though and we’ll get to meet her one day. I am thankful for the nine months we got with our little angel.

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All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.

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Your mother heart is beautiful.

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Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.

— Khalil Gibran
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