Day Training | Hays, Kansas

Date: March 2, 2019
City: Hays, Kansas
Host: Tiffany Lang
Location: Cornerstone Southern Baptist Church, 1605 East 29th

Here are the ways we expect participants to be challenged in this day training:

  • Learners will know: Participants will demonstrate an understanding of a topic as it relates to new systems and larger perspectives, measured by a completed posttest concentrated on each of the objectives for the day workshop.
  • Learners will know how: Both the day workshop and the online discussion group are developed to foster participants’ abilities to inquire via identifying and posing questions, designing and conducting investigations, analyzing data and evidence, using models and explanations, and communicating findings.
  • Learners will do: Learners will participate in authentic or real-world experiences in which they engage in dialogue, take action, and reflect on possible outcomes.
  • Learners will show: Learners will demonstrate new skills through simulation.


  • |arrive/greeting/sign in|
  • Hour 1: |9am-10am| fertility, pre-conception, conception, diversity in beliefs about pregnancy, birth and loss
  • Hour 2: |10am-11am| prenatal bonding, nutrition, partners, physiology of childbirth in every trimester
  • |break, 15 minutes, 11am-11:15am|
  • Hour 3: |11:15am: 12:15pm| medical support options during childbirth in every trimester
  • |lunch break, 45 minutes, 12:15pm – 1pm|
  • Hour 4: |1pm-2pm| non-medical support options during childbirth in every trimester, birth plans physical postpartum in all experiences, NICU, emotional postpartum in all experiences, hormones, grief
  • Hour 5: |2pm – 3pm| mourning, the emotional experience of the doula
  • |3pm-3:15pm | complete evaluation form; all participants are invited to offer feedback!


“What is this about?”

You are invited to be part of an incredible group of people who want to know more about the places where birth and bereavement meet. There are no personal or professional requisites: this experience is right for you. You’ll be able to be as involved in the discussions and activities as is comfortable for you. Often those already interested, employed or trained in either field of birth or bereavement join us, along with many others who have been personally impacted by birth and/or bereavement, so it’s a profoundly rich time of learning from and sharing with one another.

Secure Your Spot!

Make your individual selection and complete purchase below to secure your spot in this Day Training!

$75 per person
$175 (Day Training + full certification)

Having your trust is more important than collecting financial payment:
in the event of unforeseen circumstances requiring cancellation by faculty, a full refund for Day Training will be issued.


If you’ve registered and would like your name to not be public, that’s alright! Just let me know that you’ve registered and wouldn’t like your name to appear here. This attendance list just helps all involved in the coordinating to have similar expectations of attendance.

  • Tiffany Lang
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«    11 of 16    »

To love another person is to see the face of God.

— Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Don’t be ashamed of your story, for it will inspire others.

— Anonymous

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

— Henry David Thoreou

The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.

— Jacques Banigne Bossuel

And I gave him back to the Lord.

— Hannah, of her son Samuel
«    11 of 16    »

See Our Babies Birth Support Find an SBD Doula Include Your Beloved Babies' Names

Enroll now in the Birth & Bereavement Doula® program!

We onboard enrolled students into the program by email invitation.

After tuition, you can email directly to expedite this step.  Alternatively, if you prefer fb communications, you can join us in Admissions.

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