In this season, the world has watched as a powerful pandemic has not only cut lives fatally short, it has snatched joy and peace from all of our lives.
If you are anything like me, you find that there is a dread within you that meets every COVID headline, email and update.
I think we are globally fatigued with disappointment, disorientation and dismay.
It is why, as certain as I am that an update must be made about our upcoming Hearts Release event, I am equally certain that the update must be a positive one.
You can click here to read our first general post regarding our 2020 Hearts Release.
Every year, I carefully, lovingly handwrite the names of our beloved babies who are not alive, onto teeny, floral seed hearts. And every year, we release these hearts in a meaningful way, in a special location.
What are your beloved babies’ names?
You can share your babies’ names with me as a comment on stillbirthday, or on our facebook page, or by email.
Submissions are received, and names are handwritten, every day throughout the year.
Every October, a place and day is chosen, and, if you are able, it is free to attend the Hearts Release.
2020 Event Details
Hearts Release
October 10, 2020
Sailboat Cove at Smithville Lake, Paradise Missouri
late afternoon/sunset
There is never a need to RSVP. Just attend if you’re able. As we get closer to the event, we’ll share Facebook event group information as well, to help stay connected.
Ways We Want to Connect with You
- 1. Hearts Partners. Certified stillbirthday doulas are hosting satellite Hearts Release events in their communities, making a more intimate, more accessible event opportunity for you to attend. We’ll update links here for Hearts Partners and their locations.
- 2. NEW! You are invited to share your babies’ photos. You can share a photo, a letter you’ve written, or anything else you’d like to be present at the Hearts Release. You can use our shipping information added to this post. Items received will be held with stillbirthday, so suggested items would be copies of images or something you want us to be able to treasure on your behalf. This is a special update that is connected to the current global health crisis – because if you are unable to attend the event, you can send a special item in your stead.
- (update: the printer wasn’t able to prepare these with the shipping delays as yet another unexpected COVID-related impact. We do like this idea so we will re-evaluate to see about this option going forward). 3. NEW! You can have a banner placed at the event. If you’d like to have your babies’ names also printed onto a banner, we will create the sign and place it at the event. The banner is $30. If you also attend the event, you can take your banner home with you. Otherwise we will hold onto your special banner to be present at future Hearts Release events. To order, please complete payment, and then email with the names to be printed onto the banner. Here is a sample with two babies’ names. We will stop receiving banner orders at the close of August, to ensure they are ready.

We will continue to update on our upcoming event, so please feel welcome to check back in. What I know for certain is I do not want compromises to health or additional challenges to an already globally strained economic situation.
The Hearts Release has always been a modest event, something offering a gesture of dignity, loving acknowledgment and validation toward our beloved children, our grieving hearts and our longterm healing journey. When you allow me the great honor to hold your beloved baby’s name…that, is everything.
With Love,
Heidi Faith, stillbirthday founder