Sex & Bereavement {the 5 Fs}
Sex. The subject of it, is one of the most abandoned areas of need in the home of the bereaved couple. Did you catch that?
Sex. The subject of it, is one of the most abandoned areas of need in the home of the bereaved couple. Did you catch that?
Told by: Pierre I’m a husband and father of two daughters and my wife and I recently loss our angel Amia almost eight months
Told by: Pierre I’m a husband and father of two daughters and my wife and I recently loss our angel Amia almost eight months ago.
My Love ~ The marking of Fathers day on the calendar reminds me afresh that you are worthy to have a whole day designated
We have a new logo for the stillbirthday family. It’s for dads. Here is the M0M logo: We started with the zero candle lit
Told by: Matt My darling little angel, It’s so sad to see you go, But God has a higher plan for you, That much I
Told by: Anne My sister in law and I were pregnant at the same time. She lost her precious baby girl somewhere between 20-24 weeks.
Shared by: Jalisa My husband and I have been married 5 years, and have struggled with infertility just as long. He has been my backbone
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Practically: almost but not entirely. The root of the word, practical, can also mean realistic, responsible and non-emotional. Examples from practically bereaved fathers: “Honey, if
I would not undo his existence just to undo my pain.
Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.
Much more than pro-life or pro-choice, I am pro-healing.
I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different.
Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, without hurrying.
Enroll now in the Birth & Bereavement Doula® program!
We onboard enrolled students into the program by email invitation.
After tuition, you can email heidi.faith@stillbirthday.com directly to expedite this step. Alternatively, if you prefer fb communications, you can join us in Admissions.
Stillbirthday Global Network is an internationally trusted benevolent organization whose philanthropic mission is simply to doula: to nurture sources of perinatal bereavement, strengthen skills of healthcare professionals and increase healthy engagement of perinatal related needs among communities.
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