It’s a really big deal when our loved ones partner to support our goals. Here’s our previously sponsored students, and stillbirthday says a big, heartfelt THANK YOU to the sponsors who made this journey possible. If you are a student on this list, you can also view your name on the Class Roster to find your class session. Please email if you have not received your student welcome letter. If you see a sponsorship total greater than $125 in your sponsor listing, it is because two or more individuals sponsored you at the same time, and rather than choosing to receive a refund, they gave in support of your journey and their financial gift was applied to the first person on the sponsorship waiting list.
Cambyre: I am a mother to 4 beautiful children. I have two stepchildren, one of whom is in heaven. I also have two of my own, one of whom is in heaven. I have revently become more involved in the natural birth community in my city after I began planning my own homebirth. I am currently 38 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. I have seen the differences that doulas have made in the births of others and I am using one with this birth. I began training with my midwife to become a birth doula and when I found out about this program I knew that this training was something I could greatly benefit from. I wish I had had a doula there when my daughter was born and passed away shortly after and I believe that every woman deserves one no matter what stage in her pregnancy she may be giving birth. {since 06.25.13} Sponsors:
- $25 – Dawn Gilner MA, LPC
- $100 – anonymous
Karly Santiago: I am currently a birth doula and I would like to expand my knowledge and care to those that need comfort, a loving ear, and help wading through a trying time. I have had many families close to me go through the tragedy of losing a child. I want to help be that light in someones darkest days and have a deeper understanding of how to help guide someone through. My heart is open and willing to any family that would need a doula in that time. I know that this is an area of service that is so important to families and isnt always readily available. I would like to be trained properly and fully so I can hopefully spread the word for more doulas in my area to be trained. Thank you for your consideration in sponsorship to further this valuable resource. {since 06.26.13} Sponsors:
- $25 – Nicole Murphy
- $100 – Robert Santiago
Michelle: My name is Michelle and I am a mother to my wonderful stepson Alex (13), my son Ashton (7), my son Keegan (2), and my son Braedon (1week). I am also the mother of 5 angels. I have had 4 miscarriages at 10, 14, 16, and 20 weeks. I am also the mother of my only daughter Kaidyn Ellyse who was stillborn at 35 weeks gestation in 2012. I am seeking sponsorship as I want to honor the memories of my children in Heaven as well as use my own experiences to help bring comfort to grieving families. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks for your help and support in reaching my dream of bringing comfort to grieving families. {since 06.25.13} Sponsors:
- $50 – Hope Wood Photography
- $50 – Pampered Package Doula Services by Kym Benner
- $25 – LaShanta Green of Dallas Project Transformation
Shannon Sasseville: I am a Doula trained through DONA International, and think that Stillbirth bereavement Doula training is really essential. Baby loss is barely even touched in our training. I have experienced the loss of four babies, and I have three living children and a step-daughter as well. The death of our babies at times has been debilitating, and I WISH that I would have the help of a bereavement doula or even just a friend who had been through it. For so long baby loss has been a quiet epidemic, and I feel in my heart that God has lead me to speak out about it and I do! I have helped several friends through their losses, and pregnancies after losses. Just as a friend, a listening ear, and a shoulder to lean on. I have also been the Doula to a few in their pregnancies after loss. I want to be offer those in my community so much more than what was offered to my husband and I when we were going through some the worst times in our lives. {since 06.29.13}
- $125 – Tienne
Sara Zellner – I am a recent midwifery student graduate waiting to take the NARM exam. I am hoping to move back to North India within a year or so to open a birth center in the mountains for women who have little to no access to maternal health care. During my training I had a client who lost her baby shortly after the birth. This experience had a profound impact on me. While I hope to NEVER loose another baby, I also know that it is a very real possibility. Ever since this heartbreaking experience I have wanted to receive some sort of grief training so that I will better be able to support the families should I have a client who looses their baby again. I also had a client who had a miscarriage, though I didn’t find out till several months later. I’d seen her a couple of times, but then she just stopped coming for her prenatal visits. I was finally able to track her down (this was in the Philippines) and that is when she told me she had lost her baby. We were able to visit for a little bit, but I was at a loss of what to say, of how to help her process her thoughts and feelings. I know that this training would greatly help me in my ministry in North India, and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to receive a scholarship for the program. Thank you and God bless!! {since 07.21.13}
- $125 – Tienne
Laura Wilton – I am a mother to a beautiful little boy called Finley who grew his wings two hours after birth, He is my second pregnancy to end is loss with the first one ending at 13 weeks due to a missed miscarriage. I can understand the importance of compassion and understanding from others during and after your pregnancy especially those in a health care setting. I would like to think that through the devastating loss of my son that I can use my emotions and empathy towards those who need my support. The hospital that i stayed in had little staff who knew how to approach me and one staff member was mesmerized by Finley because she had not been subjected to loss before. This is something that I could use especially when approaching parents off loss because I know that every little smile and memory making towards a lost child is a moment that parent will keep with them forever. A child is a child no matter the gestation, a loss is a loss no matter how many times you have been subjected to it and feelings are feelings which unfortunately are kept with grieving parents all around the world {since 07.13.13}
- $25 – Kim Brown
- $100 – Sean Davies
Courtney Alva – I have unknowingly been on a journey to become a doula for the last several years. While trying to educate myself through my own pregnancies and losses, as well as support my closest friends through theirs, I discovered a true passion for birth. I am in awe of this foundation and what they do for loss. I only wish I had known about it earlier. We have 2 children, ages 4 and 9 months, additionally we have experienced 5 losses over the years through still birth and miscarriage. I hope you will consider sponsoring me as I would very much like to continue my education and not only become a doula, but be able to support families who are experiencing the same loss we have. Thank you. {since 07.06.13}
- $25 – LaShanta Green of Dallas Project Transformation
- $50 – John Miller
- $50 – Tamala McDaniel
Kristina Wanberg: Hi, My name is Kristina. I am a mother of 4 living children, and 2 angels, one of which i miscarried at 7.5 weeks this past November, and my son Logan who was born sleeping at 22 weeks 4 days on June 5th of this year. His birth completely changed my life. I always wanted to work in Labor and delivery but could never get past the idea of babies dying. Now that i have been through this for myself I realize that I want to be able to be there for other women who unfortunately have to go through the same thing. I had an amazing Angel Mommy by my side during my experience and it was truly a blessing. I want to be able to give the same support to other women. Thank you for your consideration. {since 06.26.13}
- $100 – Shayna
- $25 – Brianna
Claire Weisse – As a mother of four children earthside and one lost to miscarriage, I can personally relate to the devastation of pregnancy loss. When a close friend recently lost her baby shortly after birth, I desperately wanted to be able to support her in a way that I’ve never known. And when a family member went through her own pregnancy loss and I immediately offered my support without hesitation, I knew that becoming a bereavement doula was something that was in me to accomplish – for myself and most importantly, for others. {since 08.20.13}
- $50 – Kelli Reimer
- $25 – Vanissa Trout
- $25 – Chantell Silk
- $25 – Breanee Hansen
Dana Patterson – Hi, I am Dana, a mother who has been blessed birth to 7 beautiful babies. My first son (second baby), Grant, was stillborn at 37 weeks on 3/7/02. I will never forget those three words that shattered my world: “There’s no heartbeat.” The pain of losing a child never goes away, even though time makes it more bearable. It has been my desire, since losing my precious Grant, to reach out to other mothers during their darkest hours. It has been a great blessing to counsel with a number of mothers over the last 11 years. As a Stillbirth doula, I hope to be able to not only provide physical comfort to a Stillbirth Momma, but pray with them and share with them that true peace can only come from the Lord. While being a Stillbirth Momma is not the path I would have chosen, it is the ministry that the Lord chose to give me, so I want to glorify Him through loving other families as they prepare, deliver, and grieve their sweet baby. As a mother to a large family, I have experienced a variety of births (2 vaginal hospital births with induction/epi, emergency c/s due to placental abruption (my rainbow baby), 2 scheduled c/s, an unplanned homebirth, and a planned home waterbirth – yes, I am a 2VBA3C momma). With my experience in birth (oh, how I love birth) along with my experience as Stillbirth Momma, I hope I could be a blessing to many as a Stillbirthday Doula. {since 07.25.13}
- $25 – Karen Martin
- $75 – Jennifer Floyd
- $25 – SBD
Alisha Jones – I am married to my best friend and the mother of four beautiful child, I have 3 I hold in my arms and one I hold in my heart. Hunter Grace was born at 17 weeks after her heart stopped. I really had no one to turn to or even understood. So after she passed I began looking online for others. Since then I have become very involved in the online baby loss community running a few different pages. is my website. Also I also have several online baby loss support groups and a friendship group in my hometown. I love being able to help other families but I would love to be able to help women and families when they need it most. This training would be able to expand who I am able to help and this would be a huge blessing for me to be able to get sponsored. {since 09.13.13}
- $125 – because…I did the walk of 12 incredible losses all alone and no woman or family should! I love and appreciate the time, energy & support you give to all these mothers & families! Keep it going…all my love from Auntie Jani
Sabrina Castle – I am a mother to 3 boys, one in heaven and two on earth. Noah was born at 19 weeks due to a placental abruption. He lived for 40 wonderful minutes and on May 23, 2001 at 6:10am he flew into Jesus’ arms. After suffering through years of infertility we were finally pregnant again and had healthy twin boys. I currently send memory box items to hospitals and soon will be sending to OB offices as well so that no mommy is left with empty arms. I have always wanted to help other families suffering from losses and letting them know that they are not alone. God has a purpose for everything and I feel that losing Noah showed me my calling to help others. {since 09.27.13}
- $125 – Ken Corner
Tracy Goble – In January of 2012 we learned that I was carrying monoamntiotic twin girls with one being diagnosed with anencephaly. We had many ultrasounds to check on the health of our girls. During all of those scans some were done by technicians who genuinely cared and provided as much support and compassion as they knew how. Other scans however were done by technicians who seemed scared of the situation and where ready to get it over with as fast as they could. With that being said I am going back to school into an ultrasound program to help mommas that may be in situations like ours. Along with the still birthday course I feel that with my experience I will be able to help those mothers to the best of my ability. The Lord led us through this experience and showed us true love, grace and strength. I feel that this program and becoming an ultrasound tech would be a great way to honor our Elizabeth. Our girls story can be read at {since 10.02.13}
- $125 – Iona Gross
Nika M. – In 2010, my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 11 weeks. I was blessed that my parents had been in town, so I didn’t have to go through it completely alone. In 2011, I found myself pregnant again. I went into pre-term labor at 18 weeks while I was at work. My baby boy was born too early to survive. I was active duty military and 3000 miles away from everyone I knew and loved, so my spouse and I were left to face our nightmare alone this time. I found solace in writing, and soon found myself in the online baby loss community of bloggers. The support and solidarity kept me afloat in the stormy waters of the months to follow. When I felt I was ready, I started reaching out to other, newly bereaved mothers. I started painting and putting together memory boxes. I wanted to do anything that could help another family. When we were pregnant for a 3rd time, it was both terrifying and gratifying. I had some of the most amazing support to help make it through a very emotional, physically demanding pregnancy. Support that was empowering and life changing, not just because my baby lived, but because so many people genuinely cared. I became passionate about healthy pregnancies and healthy babies, but I was still extremely passionate about continuing to support my fellow heartbroken mommas. My entire heart was wrapped up in the birth and loss communities, and my heart said it was time to let the military go. I separated from the service a few months ago, and we spent 2 months living with my spouse’s parents while waiting for everything to go through for him to start a new job. He is extremely supportive of my endeavors, but unfortunately, money is just too tight right now. A sponsorship would allow me to bring much needed support to our community, for all mommas, but especially the mommas with broken hearts. All support is greatly appreciated, and when we are able, we will pay it forward by sponsoring another student so that this work is able to continue. {since 11.02.13}
- Fully Sponsored by Sam Maurer
Jessica: I am a mother to five children. Two of those are waiting for me in heaven. I had my first two children with no problems but then I miscarried my third and researched all I could to have a healthy pregnancy and became pregnant with my fourth. Despite all research I became sick with the flu and then pneumonia and received all sorts of horrible tests and felt horribly guilty for possibly damaging my fourth child. When she was born healthy and whole we named her Mercy. I then became pregnant with my fifth child and had the easiest pregnancy yet and the healthiest as far as how we ate and weight gain. Then at my almost 37 week appt. found out our baby had no heart beat. I would just like to be able to help women as they navigate this horrible experience of having your world turned upside down and find healing in The Lord Jesus Christ in the other end. {since 06.25.13}
- $50 – Debbie C.
- $75 – Sam Maurer
Jennifer Cantrell – After recently giving birth to my rainbow baby, Junior, I have put a lot of thought into becoming a SBD doula. During my very stressful pregnancy, I found support in the form of another SBD mom/doula in this program and it’s been weighing heavy on my heart, that I should do this. I am not only the mother to 4 living children, I have also walked the path of a loss mom for many years now. I would love to be able to support other moms during their journey the way I was supported through my journey of loss and having a rainbow baby. Thank you for considering me. {since 09.24.13}
- Fully Funded by Garrett’s Project
Megan Crase – I am the mother to 4 children. 3 that are living and 1 that is in heaven. Garrett Christopher is my angel in heaven. Garrett was our third child and we naively thought since we had passed 12 weeks that everything would be fine. We were wrong. Garrett was born still April 30th, 2010 at 17 weeks gestation. Soon after Garrett’s birth my husband (finance at the time) and I learned there were very little support services in our area. The support group no longer met. And luckily we had my grandmother to help pay the expenses that come with burying a child. We got to thinking though, not everyone was going to have a grandmother who was able to help. We decided September 2010 to start Garrett’s Project. Through Garrett’s Project we help families pay for funeral, headstone, and burial costs. We run a local support group, run a HOPE Dog program, run an angelversary and pen pal program also. We work to help families locally emotionally and financially after the loss of a child. As well as provide emotional support for families all over the world. I have recently went back for my Masters in Social Work. This is a big step for me because my Bachelors was in Business. I feel like Social Work is where I am meant to be. I would love to take the Doula class offered by so that I can gain a better understanding of pregnancy, birth, and loss. I am hoping to learn as much as possible so that I will be able to help as many families as possible. {since 09.16.13}
- Fully Funded by Garrett’s Project
Emily Hullet – I have lost two of my four babies, and I also have many close friends who have lost babies. One of my closest friends (she’s also my cousin) lost her little boy Josiah after birth. I was there with her while he passed and afterwards with her in her recovery at the hospital, at the funeral and in the last few years helping her along the way. I wish I had had more knowledge and resources to offer her through her grief. I’m also a birth doula (currently certifying through DONA). There are no grief doulas in my area, and I strongly feel passionate about women having the option and resources available to them in each loss. I also volunteer as a Pregnancy and Birth Educator at the Eden Clinic in Midwest City. I help women who have little support, resources or help become better educated in the decision they will need to make and how to become a good Mother. I’m also a stay at home Mother, and my husband is a Band Director at a local Junior High. Money is always tight, and if there are any discounts or scholarships available it would be so appreciated. Thank you for your help and consideration! {since 10.26.13}
- $50 – Abbie F.
- $25 – Treva B.
- $25 – Amy L.
- $25 – Nika M.
Jasmin Herchak – Hello, I am a mother of 5 beautiful children…four here with me on earth and one waiting for me in heaven. My husband and I said hello and goodbye to our sweet baby girl, Jael, on May 6, 2013. I was exactly 20 weeks pregnant. In journeying through the grieving process and reflecting on our loss, I have discovered within myself an enormous need to help those families who find themselves in need of support during a most vulnerable time. This is something that I have come to feel very passionate about and I would be so greatful for an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and tools neccessary to help others. {since 11.28.13}
- $125 – Dolores Olson
Beverly Young Reed – I am applying for this scholarship because I know how important it is to have support during the loss of a baby. As a mom, I myself lost a twin around 15 weeks, and then my daughter was born still at 20 weeks January 19, 1995. I then lost a baby at 16 weeks at the end of 1995. I was devastated, and had nowhere to turn and no one that understood. I heard things like “at least you have other children” or “you never got to know the baby”. All of these statements broke my heart even more. As a birth doula I have been blessed to only have to support 1 family in the stillbirth of their son. Having lost a baby myself, I was able to understand a little better. But I still felt like there was so much more to learn in supporting families with loss. I have been a doula for over 20 years, and I have achieved two different certifications. I was certified with DONA back in 2003. More recently I chose to certify with Madriella. I am also an Accredited Power of Positive Parenting Educator. The reason that I need help with funding for this is because I live on a limited income. You see my husband has a rare disease called MELAS. Because of this disease he has early onset progressive dementia, and lives in a nursing home. The secondary insurance that we have to help pay the nursing home bills is state insurance. Because of this I am not able to make a over a certain amount of money, or he could lose his care. I have volunteered in the birthing community for years, even before I was not able to make a lot of money. So I continue to volunteer with programs like Operation Special Delivery. I hope that I am chosen to receive a scholarship. I would like to start my training as soon as possible. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Beverly Young Reed, CD (Madriella), PPD Accredited Power of Positive Parenting Educator Trust Birth Group Facilitator Operation Special Delivery State Coordinator Director {since 12.29.13}
- $125 – anonymous
Shaine Brock – I am a mother to 8 sons here and 3 babies in heaven. I have worked with several women during their time of bereavement as a midwife and\or friend. I look forward to using this training to better help women in their time of need. I too, like many, felt very alone in the losses of my babies. There is nothing available in my area for this kind of help. Thank you for considering me for sponsorship. {12.30.13}
- $125 – Leeanna Mozden
Sheila Garey – I am a mother of six, ages 22, 17, 12, 5, 2 and my sixth baby who was born silently. My first five babies were all born with nothing more than a couple minor complications. Just over six months ago, I was pregnant with my 6th baby, Sebastian, when I realized I hadn’t felt him move in a couple of days. I had been sick and had an anterior placenta, so his movements were always very light and I thought I had just not noticed. My midwife came to our home and could not find his heartbeat. We went to the ER for an ultrasound, where we were given the horrifying news that he had died. We were devastated. Through our devastation, my husband and I found new purpose for our lives. We created Footprints on Our Hearts, a Facebook page, with the goal to support other loss parents. Our short term mission is to provide support and help connect others when they lack local support. Our long term goal is to have a network of Footprints Loss Doula Volunteers, similar to how NIMLDTS works. Hospitals, birth centers and midwives will be able to call us and have us come when someone finds out that their baby has died or will not survive long after birth. Our first step for this goal is for me to get trained as an SBD Loss Doula. I have always had a special affinity for all things birth and baby. I have After Sebastian died, I realized how lucky I was to have my homebirth midwife there with my husband and me. She helped us so much and supported us incredibly throughout the birth. I want to do that for others. With my perspective as a loss mom and as someone who is comfortable around death, I believe that I will be able to support another mom (and dad) when they are going through the worse they can imagine. {since 10.19.13}
- $125 – Footprints on Our Hearts
Magdelina Vasquez Larkin – Hello! I am a current nursing student, studying for my RN. Through a number of life events I have been moved to work in hospice nursing. Since the end of life can come at any time, and to anyone, I feel that having as much support for patients and their families is really important, and I want to be able to give as much of myself as possible by having a well rounded toolbox. I am a mom of 2, and need to try to ease the financial burden from my family if at all possible by not making them pay for school AND this course, which is why I am asking for help. Any donation would be greatly appreciated, and I thank you. {since 12.18.13}
- $125 – anonymous
Jennifer Ibarra – I am the face of multiple miscarriage and second trimester twin loss. In the early 90′s I have birth to three healthy, full term babies. Year later I decided to try again. In 2008, I found out I was pregnant. I miscarried a short time later. I lost two more pregnancies in 2009, and 2010. Tests confirmed I was healthy and was told it was a fluke. Try again. Fall of 2010, I became pregnant again. This time we found out I was carrying twins. By now I was 39, but was otherwise very healthy and active. Half way through my pregnancy I was hospitalized, told my twins daughters were going to die. That I was going to die. A week earlier I was told things couldn’t be better. I lost my first daughter, Tierney Faith, on January 21, 2011. It was a gruesome labor and she passed during her breech delivery. I then had a procedure called “intertwin delayed delivery without cerclage” to save my other daughter but sadly two weeks later, on February 4, 2011I lost my second daughter, Eden Hope. She was born alive but was days shy of the 24 week mark. The week where the hospital considered her viable. Due to their policy they only offered morphine to assist her pain in passing. We refused. During this time I began hemorrhaging and my vitals dropped. My statistics were not conducive with life. I was now dying and rushed into emergency surgery. She passed away in her dad’s arms sometime during my lifesaving procedure. He didn’t know if I was coming back either. I did and required multiple blood transfusions and months of recovery. I was heartbroken and wanted to know “who else lived through this?” and why. Why did this happen. I had no one to answer that question and zero support or peers during my ordeal. I began studying statistics and seeking peers . Babies were dying everyday. Babies born to soon and full term babies. I was in so much pain I began sharing and had no idea how many of my friends and family members lost babies! People I love and strangers alike suffer in silence. This is my story and it is sadly not a unique one. I want to provide the support for other families and receive bereavement & doula certification. I want to honor my daughter’s, Tierney & Eden. I am a firm believer in taking something positive out of something negative. I delivered a healthy baby boy in August of 2012. I am mother to 6 beautiful babies but I only get to raise 4. My story is not over Due to my prior miscarriages, my preterm loss, the two D & C’s, and my age. I didn’t think I could conceive again. Early December 2011 we found out we’re expecting again. I went to a new hospital. I was very candid about what I wanted and expected from my doctors. That I had a right to know exactly what was written about my child and me. My life and my child’s life were at stake. At 14 weeks I had a cerclage. A stitch to keep your cervix from dilating. I was already dilated 1 cm. At 15 weeks we found out its a boy. The due date was August 14, 2012. I was on pelvic rest throughout the pregnancy, limited my walking, my blood pressure was under control and our miracle baby arrived weeks before my 41st birthday. I had a scare around 31 weeks and was hospitalized with low amniotic fluid and given a shot to mature my son’s lungs – just in case. I began twice-weekly antepartum testing after I was released from the hospital. This testing measures fluid, verifies fetal well being, as judged by the baby’s heart rate and other characteristics. In addition, sonograms ordered every two weeks with each measurement well documented and discussed with us in real time. My cervix remained long throughout the pregnancy and my cercalge was removed safely after delivery. My son arrived at 39 weeks via c-section on August 9, 2012. Wyatt James Ibarra is a healthy and happy baby. He turned 8 months old last Tuesday. Partnering with the March of Dimes is how, Jeff and I chose to honor our daughter’s, and how, Alex, Chiara and Amber honor their sister’s, forever. Wyatt came into this world safely thanks to March of Dimes and their commitment to premature awareness, prenatal care and full-term deliveries. I’m a mother to six children and I always will be. I get to raise four of them but I know my girls are watching over us. {since 09.03.13} Danielle B. – On January 7, 2014 Parker Joseph was born at 34 weeks. I was expecting a healthy baby boy, to leave the hospital with him and go home. Instead, when I finally left the hospital my arms were empty and I had a funeral to plan. Something no mother thinks about while pregnant. My hopes through the SBD program are to be able to support woman who are experiencing the same trauma to have that person to be there who says “I’ve been here too.” Although I had so much support during delivery, I did not have that person who had ever been there. I also hope to help my community have more resources available, not only for mothers and fathers, but for siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and any other person affected by the loss of a child. {since 01.30.14}
- $50 – Jessica E.
- $75 – Susan R.
Kristine V – I am a mother of 2 sons. One living one in heaven. I was 31 weeks pregnant and everything was normal at my check up. With in 36 hours I felt something was wrong. Went to the doctor to find out my son Maxwell had gone to heaven from a cord incident. I was alone and scared. There was no one around me who had gone through this tragedy. Everyone says I’m here if you need me, but in the same breath no one close to me has been in my shoes. I had to seek counseling, I would like to be someone who anyone could call or talk to who can relate to what they are going through. Not just someone who says I’m here for you. Someone to be able to hold their hand as they grieve. {since 12.28.13}
- $125 – Michelle A.
Kristi Hunter Heaton
- $125 – Mixed Passions Auctions
Vicky Townsend
- $125 – Mixed Passions Auctions
Giselle – I have 4 stillbirthday babies. In 2008 we were pregnant with twins and we miscarried them in the first trimester, on Dec 17th, 2008. After almost 2 yrs of mourning their loss and dealing with depression from it, we decided to try again. We gave birth to a son on October 31, 2011. His name was David Emmanuel Jr, named after my husband. He was a preemie born at 27 wks gestation, weighing 2 pounds and 5oz.. He was a fighter and desired to live, but bc of complications with the medications given to him he recieved his angel wings and a stillbirthday of December the 19th. After about a month after his loss we were blessed yet again with the prescence of our beautiful Daughter, AimeeRose Grace. She was a twin but her twin gained their angel wings at 6wks gestation. AimeeRose Grace was born on August 20th, 2012, also premature but was born at 29wks 4days gestation, weighing 2 pounds and 8 oz.. She is now a striving, healthy 1 yr old. She has some delays that are to be expected because of her prematurity. I believe that because of these testimonies in my life that GOD wants me to use my experiences to reach out to other families that have to deal with what I have gone through and to help them process and cherish their testimonies. I believe that whatever we go through in life is not in vanity but to help others along our path in life, so we can all get to where we need to go together as a team. Your Sponsorship will be very appreciated and will make a difference in many lives to come! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! {since 08.13.13}
- $50 – Heaven Leigh
- $75 – Nicolle S
Paige – I’m a mommy of 4. 3 who are in heaven and 1 who’s with me. I’ve suffered 3 second trimester losses due to an incompetent cervix. My first pregnancy ended at 16 weeks after my water broke. My son Sean jr was born sleeping. My daughter Jessica was born at 22 weeks. I was in the hospital for a week before having her. She passed away an hour after being born in my husbands arms. My second son Issac was born at 16 weeks after my water broke and a failed cerclage. In my area there are not any support groups or services for pregnancy and infant loss. I was on my own to find support. I had to look online. I have gotten to meet many wonderful ladies online. I had to have a special surgery to be able to carry a baby full term. I have a transabdominal cerclage. I had it placed in Chicago medical center. We flew to Chicago since no one around my area does them. I had my rainbow in 2011 finally a full term pregnancy. I want to become a stillbirth doula so I an give back to the baby loss community. No parents should have to endor a loss on their own. I want to be there for them. {since 01.11.14}
- $125 – Sean
Korah H – I am a baby loss mama. I have miscarried 4 times and have 2 here on earth with me. I am married to my greatest support Brandon. I have always wanted to be a doula since I was younger although I didn’t know that’s what it is called at that age. I hope to be able to do this and be able to give.hope to those who have none. {since 07.13.13}
- $125 – Mixed Passions Auctions
~Melodie Miller – My journey with loss began at the age of 9 when my baby brother was stillborn at 16.5 weeks due to PreProm secondary to an incompetent cervix. As a parent my journey has been peppered with loss. First a miscarriage and 2 years of primary infertility followed by a premature birth due to IUGR complicated by oligohydramnios (dangerously low amniotic fluid). It would be 3 years before I would conceive again, and then I had 4 more miscarriages in a row before a doctor finally looked at my reproductive history and decided there may be a problem. I was identified as thrombophilic and was later diagnosed with MTHFR. After another successful pregnancy which was induced at 38 weeks for preeclampsia (all of my pregnancies have been preeclamptic in the third trimester), we conceived again. I was delighted when the early sonogram showed a heartbeat – none of my miscarried babies ever established a heart beat – but in my spirit I felt very uneasy. In the core of my being I carried a concern that something was not right, but tried to use my history of recurrent pregnancy loss (“habitual aborter”) to explain it away. My fear mounted in the second trimester and then right after the New Year I felt that something was terribly wrong, but I had an appointment coming up later that week and decided to wait. The morning of that fateful appointment was my then youngest daughter’s second birthday and I almost went alone. Instead my husband and our little birthday girl came along. We got her a gingerbread man cookie before the appointment and she charmed the pants off the office staff while we waited to go back. Finally it was my turn and the doctor put the doppler on my belly but couldn’t find anything. As she went to get the sonogram machine I mentioned that I hadn’t felt him in a couple of days (she told me later that when I said that she knew what the sonogram would show). She had already allayed my concerns so I was excited to see my baby and see for myself that everything was ok. The moment the wand touched my belly I knew he was gone. She said, “Melodie, I am so so sorry…” and my tears began to flow. Immediately the Holy Spirit began breathing God’s Word into my spirit… “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle.You have recorded each one in your book.” (Psalm 56:8) The next day we went in to be induced. My mom was there and it was exactly what I needed. Not but because she was my mom, but because she had walked that horrible road before me. I was able to voice my fears and concerns. She was able to encourage me and validate my grief and my child’s life (we didn’t know yet if we were having a boy or a girl). On January 7, 2010 at 5:18pm all 4.9 ounces of my 8.6inch long baby boy were delivered. Caleb Enoch Miller was beautiful and perfectly exquisite. His perfectly sculpted biceps and thighs gave testimony to his busy little life. He had an abnormal cord (completely straight) which had caused a cord accident. My friend came in and took some beautiful professional photographs and I vowed that I was going to pay that gift forward. I’ve been working hard for 3.5 years now and I’m hoping to submit my application to Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep in the next year. I’ve also wanted to give someone else the same gift my mother gave me – of walking that horribly lonely road in the delivery room with another mama who had done it before. I was trying to figure out how to do that without seeming unprofessional and stalkerish when I learned about and I am excited about the opportunities it will provide to be “God with skin on” to someone else. {since 09.23.13}
- anonymous
Hazel F. – My name is Hazel, I lost my son who was born sleeping on July 28th 2012. this was single the most hardest day of my life and everyday since has been a struggle. In memory of my son I started a page called Matties Memory and have been working on supporting many women and families across the country., SWe have also provided memorial bags blankets and other items to families and hospitals. During the time i had matthew no one knew how to approach me inregards to the birth of my son.. the only people i got comfort from was a friend who had experienced a loss herself. I was pretty much alone in the birth of my son and afterwards no one told me the importance of photos and naming my son. since then getting help was very very hard and I do not want anyone else to suffer in the same way as i did. I am hoping that I can complete this course and become an assett to families in my area by being more informed and trained in helping women and families during the most difficult time of their lives. {since 02.16.14}
- $125 – Taylor’s Treasures
Cara B. – My nameis Cara and I have two Angel sons in Heaven. After losing my sons I was completely devastated and lost. I tried to pick up the pieces and move on only to find myself living the same day over and over. I wanted to honor my Angels in some way and decided to start a non-profit that places handmade baby blankets in hospitals for Angels to be wrapped in at time of loss. In three years we have donated over well over 1000 Angel blankets through Precious Angels Society. I would LOVE to be able to assist Angel family’s more and continue to learn and provide help while raising awareness for Infant and Pregnancy Loss. PLEASE help me reach my goal by contributing. THANK YOU for your support! {since 02.19.14}
- $50 – Thelma P.
- $25 – Ann W.
- $50 – Taylor’s Treasures
Cindy S. – My name is Cindy. I lost my 1st and only pregnancy December 12, 2005 to ruptured ectopic pregnancy. The hospital didn’t offer me any type of support or resources to find help. I finally found support online and have since started my own page to offer support and free graphics to anyone that has lost a loved one called Our Shooting Stars Memorial Graphics I am also a administrator on a page that is dear to me and close to my heart called Ectopic Pregnancy Foundation and I help on several other pages as well. I would love to take these classes to be able to help more families and be able to help families at the hospital where I lost my baby at. {since 02.24.14}
- $125 – Tayler’s Treasures
Marissa A. M-F. – I am a woman. A mother. A fighter. A survivor. A child of God. Last year, after losing my 4th baby, a little girl, my life was turned upside down. I have gone through so many emotions and sometimes even lack of emotions, that tried to steal my joy, my sanity, my relationship and my life. It is my mission to be there for other women who are at a crossroads on their lives…their child’s birthday should be a joyous time in life and combined with hormones and loss, they need someone there who can understand, relate and just be there for whatever they may need. It is my hope that we can help to change the face of loss and lift women up during a time when they feel so broken down. {since 03.01.14}
- $50 – Amy Fabian
- $25 – Holly (Lotus Therapy Center)
- $50 – Deborah Foley
Tiffany G. – I am a mother to two. My first son, Ayden was born in 2008 and each day that I get to spend with him is a blessing. However, I will never get the chance to watch my second son grow up. My two boys will never have the opportunity to play together. My son, Bentley passed away at 37 weeks gestation and was born still on September 30, 2013. The cause of his death is unknown. He was healthy and thriving, but for some reason his heart just stopped beating. He will never get the chance to live his life as he should have, so I am choosing to live for him. I know he would want me to help others. I miss my precious, perfect baby boy more and more each day and love him with all of my aching heart. I want the opportunity to become a SBD Doula to help other bereaved Mother’s and families. I know that I can complete this course and help others that are going through the tragedy of giving birth to a baby that will never take their first breath on earth. I want to do this to honor my baby boy, Bentley. {since 03.03.14}
- $125 – Beverley Holmes
Jenniffer M. – I am a DONA Doula in Training and would like to offer additional services to families of stillborn babies. after a difficult pregnancy, i started working in the funeral industry for 6 years. After the birth of my second child, I became interested in helping families through the birthing process and I think this training would bring everything full circle. {since 02.25.14}
- $125 – Kalen Moore
Megan P – Hello! I am Meg! I a 29, and have been married to the love of my life for 8 (almost 9) years. We have 4 beautiful children together, here on earth, and 23 angels in heaven…. When we met, we each had a daughter from a previous relationship.( both now age 12) But we wanted to try for children “together”. In the last 8 years we have had more than 20 losses, (with 2 live births mixed in there, who are Miracles and sent here but the grace of GOD, but didn’t come without many complications to get them here safe). Our losses have ranged from 4 weeks to 19 weeks along. To say we have suffered and know how grief can ravage your life would be an understatement… In March of this year, we learned we wont ever be able to carry to term again, due to a progressing , and very RARE alloimmune and autoimmune implantation dysfunction problem, that causes my body to attack our babies….Since we have come to terms with not being able to have any more of out own, I have been looking for productive ways to help others who have suffered a loss. I find healing in my own hurt, when I reach outside myself, and help another woman, who is hurting, scared, confused, and sometimes, even alone…It is my Goal to be a SBD certified doula this year, so I can start to make a difference in MY community, and raise awareness, and above all., be a support and advocate for those who have had to endure the unthinkable… {since 12.30.13}
- $25 – Ladean Adamiszyn
- $25 – Jared
- $25 – gift
- $50 – MP
Bonnie M. – {since 05.31.14}
- $125 – Emmy M.
Nicole S. – My name is Nicole, and I lost my fourth child, my first son, Stephen, in November of 2013 after 34 weeks of healthy pregnancy. I am a teacher of both high school and college level English, but feel that I can help others more fully by turning my tragedy into a learning experience. It would have made my labor and time after so much easier if someone who had gone through this experience had been by my side, and I hope to be that person for others who are experiencing this life-changing event. For me, knowing that I have been helping along in this journey by others would make the blessing even grater. Thank you for taking the time to get to know a bit about me, and I look forward to my journey as a SBD. {since 05.12.14}
- $25 – Kara A.
- $25 – Jennifer L.
- $25 – Linda S.
- $25 – Jennifer F.
- $50 – Melissa D.
Staci L – I lost my son halfway through my pregnancy and he was born still. I run a charity in his name and I am looking for more ways to help others who are going through a loss as my family did. I know how hard that time can be and I want to give back by helping others who are enduring the same pain. I feel this would be a wonderful opportunity to do that. {since 07.11.13}
- $25 – gift
- $25 – Staci V.
- $75 – Staci V. (mom)
Melissa H. – My name is Melissa H and I am a mother of a beautiful angel born too soon. My only child, Anabelle Luz Molina was born on her father’s birthday (10-21-2012) at 16 weeks after I went into pre-term labor. While I thought I was cramping I was actually having contractions. This was missed for 3 days by two different doctors (an OB and ER doc). They sent me home from the ER with my contractions without running any tests. By The morning of the 4th day it was too late. I went to the ER but had to deliver my child with only a nurse because I wasn’t far enough along to go to L&D. After she was born I was told by the nurse that my daughter was a boy. I didn’t know until two days later that she was the daughter I had always wanted. These doctors think I lost her due to an infection. The backbone of this… I was never told about what to expect while pregnant or any possible risks during pregnancy. I didn’t know what a contraction felt like… or what losing a mucus plug was. Or anything about giving birth. I want to provide the knowledge, love, encouragement, and empathy for birth and bereavement in my community which I did not receive. Please help me in doing so by sponsoring my Stillbirthday Doula and Bereavement training. {since 03.08.14}
- $25 – gift
- $25 – Michelle G
- $75 – Timothy and Bethany D.
Melisa C. – Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of excitement and anticipation of what the future will hold for your child; what will their favorite color be? What will they want to be when they grow up? Will they fall asleep rubbing your earlobe st night like you did with your mother? Never do you go in to a pregnancy anticipating that you’ll learn that no matter what you do, your child will not grown to experience those asperations you started out having for them but, that’s what I, like other mothers like myself, was faced with during my pregnancy. Unlike a lot of mothers who go through this terrible losses, I had months to carry my precious daughter knowing what the outcome would be. I thought that I was ready, I thought that I could be brave and make the choices that needed it be made and not second guess myself, and that in my decision I would have peace but it hit me like a ton of bricks months after my Emma Ann was born at seven months and six days on July 20, 2006. Emma’s genetic condition caused her to be medically helpless and I was told she’d come when she was ready, though there wouldn’t be anything they could do to help her. When she came I got to experience moments that I treasure; her squeak instead of a cry, her beautiful brown eyes opening when I spoke to her, her holding tight to my finger, and the peace at which she seemed to be at in my arms while I sang ‘Baby Mine’ to her as she slipped away in my arms after I made the heart wrenching decision to take her off the breathing machine. After coming out of the darkness and finding my rainbow after the storm in my son, Johnathan, I vowed that Emma’s short three hour life on this earth would serve a purpose to others. That the strength she gave me would allow me to help others whether in their darkest or happiest moments. With your sponsorship I will be one step closer to helping others in ways that I didn’t know existed before my loss, all in the name of not just my sweet Emma Ann but all the other Angles gone too soon. Thank you {since 06.16.14}
- $125 – Pretty Paper Parlor
Lindsay {California} – Shortly after the birth of my daughter, I decided to become a doula, supporting others through laboring, birthing, and transitioning into parenthood. A few weeks after our daughter was born, our family was hit hard as my sister- and brother-in-law went through the tragic loss of their infant. The reality of loss touched me deeply as an aspiring doula, and my desire and passion to support families through childbirth humbly expanded to bereavement as well. I’m so grateful for organizations like stillbirthday and I thank you for your consideration! {since 08.23.14}
- $25 – Stefanie G.
- $25 – Valerie M.
- $50 – Barbara N.
- $50 – Doureen H.
Nancy “Caroline” N: I am a mother to my sweet Georgia Mae who was born still at 22 weeks and three days. She is my first and only child. My stay in the hospital was traumatic not only because I was giving birth to my stillborn daughter but because I had no idea what my body was doing. All the research I had done vanished once I was admitted into the hospital and I had no one there to help me focus on what was happening. I went through all of the contractions alone…no holding someone’s hand or a cool wash cloth on my face. When she came out I was alone. It was terrifying. My mother was there but she has little experience with birth and wasn’t sure how to help. I want to be that person who is there for another mother who is going through a loss. I’d also love to be there for someone who is experiencing the joy of birth. Once my husband and I are finished having children I plan on becoming a midwife and I believe this is the first step I need to take in order to become what I want to be: a support system. {since 06.25.13}
- $25 – CF
- $25 – Holly Lowmiller, SBD (APP PLEDGE)
- $25 – Victoria Chen
- $25 – gift
- $25 – Renee M. (donation)
Hazel F – I’m a mum that list a child in July of 2012 while having my son I had people there who treated what I was going through as a joke or made comments that as a mother about to deliver a stillborn child were inappropriate…I viewed after I would send as much time as I could helping others.. I started an organization called Mattie memory we provide memory bags for family who experience loss..I would like now to help families in the delivery area. {since 09.25.13}
Ericka S. – I am a licensed massage therapist and mother to 3 children, 2 earthside, and one angel who passed away full term while I was in labor, 11-30-13. Losing my son has been the most painful experience of my life, however so many mothers have lifted me up and shown me love and support, i have discovered that helping others heal aids in my own healing process, my goal in my life is to shine light on those who are experiencing their darkest day. Also losing my son has gotten me passionate about birth and I believe every woman deserves a doula, I am looking forward to both sides of this program. Thank you so much , shine on! {since 03.28.14}
Czarina B. – No one else I had ever met was as excited about her pregnancy, her baby, and her upcoming home birth. So when her birth plans flew out the window, and her daughter’s welcome became her departure, I was devastated for them both. I felt such loss and mourning for this woman I had not embraced for nearly twenty years, and her sleeping baby who I already loved so much, and would never be lucky enough to meet. I was so far away, and I felt like I had no words, no comfort, no way to support her in her grief. gave me tools – support to support her. Already being called to birth work, this was one more instance that the universe was telling me this was my path. I graduated later that year and then began a year long intensive training to join the world of birth professionals. Armed with knowledge, empathy, and enthusiasm, I was ready to be a part of the grassroots movement to improve birth. Then a shift. I was preparing for a big event, so I chalked up my nausea to anxiety. But it wasn’t. I thought my mood swings were the stress. But they weren’t. I thought the stress caused my cycle to be late. But it didn’t. I didn’t want to know. I thought the spotting meant my period arrived. But it didn’t. I thought I was relieved that I wasn’t pregnant, but I also knew I was disappointed. I thought the cramps were just really bad. But for some reason I timed them. I think I already knew. I was taking my son out to meet a few friends for a special field trip with our moms club. My husband was helping our son into his car seat when I decided to run to the bathroom before I left. My healing HBAC was not supposed to be an unexpected first trimester birth in the bathroom. What the hell was that? What just fell out of me? I fished out whatever it was with the toilet wand, and collected it with a laundry detergent cup. What the hell fell out of me? I think I know, but I don’t. I don’t want to know. How can I go to a play group right now? I tell my husband to keep him happy in the car for a minute while I call my midwife. My world is spinning. Time has stopped. Yes. She thinks my intuition is right. I’ve miscarried. Probably a genetic abnormality. Nothing I could have done. So sorry. Be gentle with yourself. Nothing more to do. Warning signs to look for. We’ll talk again soon. She is here for me. Now what? End the call. Now what. Z is in the car. Now what? I’m crying. I’m waking out the door and I can only see color, light, and shadow through the pools of tears in my eyes. I’m sobbing uncontrollably. He’s holding me. Our son is watching us, watching a part of me dying inside, but I can’t look at him. It is already too much to bear. Time has stopped. In this moment – beyond this moment – now what? How – how is it with all this experience, all this preparation to support families – how is it that I am so completely unprepared. And if, with all these qualifications – if I feel this way, how does it feel for someone completely blindsided? Those were my first moments of truly understanding one Mother’s experience of perinatal loss. I’ll never understand another’s because I know that no one experiences loss and grief the same way. I know now, that as much as I love to support families as they grow and connect with each other, that too many families are alone when they deserve to be surrounded by love and unconditionally non-judgmental support and nurturing. It is my intention to take away from Still Birthday’s teachings, the tools and insights to allow me to support families before, during and after birth in any trimester. I hope to find the power within myself to heal, and to help others when they need it the most. I thank you, not only for supporting my mission to serve, and therefore my community, and by extension all life on our Great Mother Earth, but for supporting other women who have also been called to the sacred and challenging work to mother mothers in sisterhood and love. {since 06.10.14}
Lena {California} – My journey into motherhood was less than ideal. I became pregnant at the age of 16 and delivered my first daughter at the age of 17. I went on to marry my daughter’s father and have been blessed with more children. Together we have six living children and one due in Jan. 2015. I’ve lost five babies at various stages in pregnancy. My first baby was delivered via a traditional hospital birth with medical intervention per “normal” protocol. The next two babies were born at home via a waterbirth with a midwife. The next baby was intended to be homebirth but turned into a planned cesarean section due to a complete anterior placenta previa. Two losses followed. The following birth was my first VBAC and I opted for a “homebirth” in the hospital. Additional losses followed. My second VBAC was a homebirth in the water. Most recently, I had a misdiagnosed miscarriage. My journey has been challenging at times but it has always been filled with great blessings. I’m intimately aware of how traumatic and healing pregnancy & birth can be for a mother, at any stage in life. I desire to share my experience and passion to support life. I have a heart to serve! {since 07.06.14}
Elissa {California} – Babies and those in need have always been dear to my heart. I’m the eldest of 12, six living siblings, and a new sibling due in 2015. I appreciate life and the extraordinary strength of women. I believe I have been called to assist women during their birth journey. I look forward to doing His work and blessing others. {since 07.06.14}
Kaylee – My name is Kaylee and I am a donation-based birth and postpartum doula serving the Pikes Peak region in beautiful Colorado. My purpose is to support women to be empowered and informed during their pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum experiences. As a mother myself, of 4 angels, and 1 beautiful girl nearing her first birthday, it’d make my heart soar to gain more knowledge to be able to assist other mothers experiencing loss. I would offer these kinds of services with no donation necessary. It is an honor to be invited into such an intimate time in one’s life and I am so grateful to be considered to witness life’s miracle, however it may happen. {since 01.06.14}
Rebekah B – I am a 32 year old stay at home mother to three precious children. After a two unplanned csections and a highly fought for VBA2C, I decided to become a labor doula. I am finishing my training through Childbirth International as a labor doula but was recently asked to be a doula for a woman who is prepared to either give birth to an already sleeping baby or one who will pass within minutes after birth. She is due the end of March and I am really desperate to provide her with the best support possible and this looks like a wonderful opportunity. We are a very tight one income family and so at this time I do not have the funds to register for this myself. It would be a huge blessing to receive a scholarship for this. Thank you so much for considering me. {since 12.02.13}
Amanda B. – I am a 25 year old mother to an amazing 20 month old rainbow boy and mommy to two angels in heaven. I knew after my son was born and I suffered birth trauma from an unnecessary c-section, I wanted to be the one to help others mom’s and families, who are or have been through the same. I wanted to be the one helps them through their pain and anguish of loss, or helps them work through birth trauma. I want to be the one to help them achieve their goals, be healing or a possible rainbow birth. Basically, I want to be the one to hold them up when they can’t bear it and give them the tools to feel whole again. This is what drives me to become a birth and bereavement doula( and hopefully a midwife one day). As of now I spend my days as a SAHM. I also work with moms in a closed group(1000+ members) I admin as well as admin to our Facebook page Attachment Parenting 24/7. I find great joy in research and facts and well as a strong spiritual relationship while helping with their needs whatever it may be. One day I will be the support that someone needs, and that time will make my heart soar. {since 03.27.14}
Amber E – I have been a birth doula in the past and LOVED every minute of it, but always felt something was missing from my work as a doula. I began to think of how I could support momma’s delivering at any stage in her pregnancy, but I never could figure out how to do that. I didn’t feel adequately prepared to support mom’s as they gave birth to their sleeping babies. I have been YEARNING to get back to working as a doula, and then I found Still Birth Day on Facebook and saw a post about this training and I yelled THAT’S IT! That’s what I have been missing. Thank you for considering supporting me on my journey to become a better doula. {since 11.05.13}
Carrie L – I am a midwife and a loss mom. I have a calling to help loss mamas. There are not very many resources in our area to help families facing a loss. I am passionate about birth in any way. I would love the opportunity to serve these families. {since 11.14.13}
Nicole F – I am currently working as a birth doula. I also have my MSW in social work and think that these two certifications, plus the Still Birthday training would help me in assisting so many more women out there. {since 11.11.13}
Jillian H. – Thank you for your consideration in sponsoring me! The beautiful woman who has guided me into becoming a doula, and hired me as a doula for her first child 2 years ago, recently had a miscarriage. My heart is broken for her, and I struggle with my role in being present with her in this journey. I would love to be educated in ways to help her and other mothers through these tender times with grace and dignity. {03.26.14}
Omayma {Kentucky} – My name is Omayma & I am a mother to an angel. My baby girl Elizabeth Christine, she was stillborn at 33 weeks. I live in a rural town where not many nurses in our local hospitals are trained in pregnancy loss & stillbirths. I want to give back to my community, I am fluent in English & in Spanish so I want to out reach to other communities in our town. I, myself had no medical support from a bereavement doula, only my OBGYN & husband by my side. I want to be there for those who are alone or just need support before,during & after a loss. {08.14.14}
Aurora H. – My name is Aurora, but most commonly I am called Riley I am planning on becoming what I like to call a “super doula” in the process of enrollment through DONA for every single certification offered, but I would like to be a SBD doula bcz I have lost 10 babies in utero, and there are no services for women in my area with this trauma. I plan to offer my SBD services at no cost to anyone within a 45 mile radius of Muskogee OK
I was raised in the birthing room, and caught my own brother, as my mother birthed, at just 14 years old
I am also a certified infant care specialist and certified child care professional. I spend many days advocating for pregnancy and infant loss. Thank you for your consideration
{since 03.28.14}
Maria L. – I’m a birth doula who has just finished a doula program through Birth Arts International and have also finished a specialized training through the Infant Loss Foundation. I wish to seek a deeper breadth of knowledge for moms and families that have had to the horrible loss of their baby. I feel this program will not only add to my own skill set as a doula, but I will be able to add much more to my community by helping guide mothers who have experienced loss and need more support, care, and love. {since 04.19.14}
Vickie T. – I am a baby loss mom of a precious babe lost at 15 weeks. I only wish there were someone there to talk to me. Someone for me to ask questions and to maybe educate me on options , to understand me. I know if this were the case things would have been different and although the outcome would be the same , how I dealt with it … or the fact that it took me 10 years to even start to deal with it would have been so different. I want to be able to help at any point in which I am called upon whether it is to do as I mentioned above or to just be there. I run a page (Tayler’s Treasures & Blessings from Heaven) where we have sent out over 200 memory boxes in the first year and this past year focused more on sending donations to memory box programs as well as many other programs that offer support to grieving moms and families (siblings as well as they are often forgotten). I’m hoping to be able to complete this and be actively involved very soon. {since 02.17.14}
Tamara T. – I am a registered nurse specializing in high risk antenatal surveillance, mother of an angel (Amanda Renae Thomas, 10/07/84-10/15/84) and three rainbows; Ashleigh, 27, who will give me the gift of my first grandchild in June; Megan, 24; and Zachary, 13. I’m a single mother and work hard to provide for my family…I worked hard to earn my degree and currently work in the very hospital where my angel was born and died. I often care for women experiencing IUFD and pregnancy loss and as a mother who has gone through my own personal nightmare feel that I am able to give support, both physically and emotionally, to these young mothers. I feel that having the opportunity to gain certification as a childbirth and bereavement doula would benefit my patients and allow me to educate my coworkers so that they would be able to provide care to these special mothers with compassion. {since 03.05.14}
Dosha B. {Oregon} – I am a 35 year-old mother of four beautiful children. I am currently enrolled at Birthing way College of Midwifery as a doula/then midwife. Due to watching 3 families go through the devastating loss of a precious baby~my best friend’s sister, whose baby girl died in utero from low amniotic fluid, a former high school classmate whose baby girl died during birth from physician error and nuchal cord compression, and another former classmate whose beautiful little girl died within an hour of birth from trisomy 18~I have felt led to this path of volunteering as a loss/bereavement doula. {10.11.14}
- $25 – Kathleen K.
- $100 – Linda R.
Jessica N. {Australia} – I am a Birth & Postnatal Doula in NSW, Australia. Whilst I have never lost a child of my own, I have witnessed family members and friends experience pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and neonatal death, including the unexpected loss of my brother. I have also supported a family as doula through the neonatal death of their daughter, and it is through all these experiences I have decided to further my knowledge in this area, and provide support to families in need. I am also a representative for an Angel Gown program so I feel this course would assist me in my role when it comes to interacting with grieving families. {10.17.14}
- $50 – Alyssa E.
- $25 – Allison L.
- $25 – Sally D.
- $25 – Jessica
Shona: I am a 43 year old mom to my 5 children whose ages are 20-3. My oldest daughter lost her baby at 35 weeks gestation and delivered her beautiful baby girl, our first grandchild, this May 25, 2013. I have never experienced this kind of heartbreak and as a mom and grandma who has always been passionate about babies,children and family, our tragedy struck my heart deep and I want to help others who suffer this loss. {since 06.27.13}
- $25 – gift
- $100 – anonymous
Michelle M. – {Canada} – My name is Michelle and I am a married mother of two. I work as a (standard) doula in Alberta, Canada. I am passionate about supporting families in any and all of their times of need during the childbearing year. I have a big, soft heart and deeply empathize with my family, friends, clients and even acquaintances. I believe that my heart and hands are my greatest assets and I hope to serve as many families as need me. Due to financial constraints, while SBD training has been on my wish-list for quite a long time now, I have not been able to take the training. I would really love to learn more and be of greater service. Thank you for your consideration. <3 Much love to you all! {since 12.16.14}
- $125 – de Jonge Family
Tracy H: 20 years ago I lost my son, he was born still at 22 weeks, my little Josh was perfectly healthy, it was my body unable to carry him and during the long hours of labor his little heart gave up. Back then there was no support for those of us that lost a baby and since then I have made it my mission to reach out to others to offer my support and give them a shoulder to cry on. 5 years ago I began making memorial dolls, it was my way to reach out and help, it is my lifes dream to be able to be there for others that have suffered the same loss as I have. I believe with my experience through all these years I can offer a little hope to those in need. The miracle of birth is one of the most amazing things in life, and although a baby might be born still, they are still born and it should be a beautiful birth none the less, a perfect memory for the family to always treasure. {since 06.26.13}
- $25 – gift
- $25 – Jessie (donation)
- $25 – Doreen H. (legacy gift)
- $50 – Alexandra’s Rose founder, chaplain Steve Butler
Michelle H: I have two kids on this earth and one in heaven. There’s also one in the oven at the time of writing this. I’m 29 and want to make birthing assistance available to any mom I can reach. Especially if she’s losing her baby. I gave birth to my miscarried baby alone, with only my best friend supporting me. Strangely, I can say because my wishes were fully supported by him, it was also an empowering experience. But no mom should ever *have* to do that alone. And the fact that a miscarriage IS BIRTH also needs to be more widespread. To end on a good note, I’m a Christian who believes in the natural, instinctual ways of birth – but will support any informed choice the mama makes. {since 07.01.13}
- $25 – gift
- $100 – Alexandra’s Rose founder, chaplain Steve Butler
Ashlee K – I am a mother of four, two children here with me on earth, and two babies waiting for me in heaven. My first child,Destinee (4 years old), was a very easy pregnancy and she was born perfectly healthy. My second child, Ethan, (would be 3) was born at 36 weeks with down syndrome and a heart condition that we didn’t know about until he was born. We were told his heart condition was easily operable and he would need open heart surgery at six months old, but the doctors did not fully know the extent of his heart problems and he passed away on the way to the hospital at two weeks old. A year later we decided to try for our rainbow baby, and to our surprise we conceived around our son, Ethan’s birthday almost like he was a present to us from our son. Our rainbow, Xander is 21 months and perfectly healthy. I got pregnant with our fourth child when Xander was nine months old, but unfortunately the doctors found no heart beat at 8 weeks. I ended up having to have an emergency D&C due to blood loss a month later. I think back through my losses and really wish I had had someone like a stillbirthday doula to help me through my losses, and even all of the emotions that come with having a child after a loss. I am very passionate about supporting families through birth in any stage and would love to become a stillbirthday doula. {since 07.03.13}
- $25 – gift
- $100 – Amy, in honor of her beloved three children
Marissa P {Georgia} – I am a new doula in the Savannah, GA area. I am interested in this training because there is such a cloud of mystery around pregnancy loss and still birth. I want to know more about it, and how to handle it not only as a specific SBD doula, but if it comes up with one of my ‘regular’ clients. {since 11.13.14}
- $25 – Stephanie N.
- $25 – Sherry B.
- $75 – family
Hannah S. – {Ohio} – I am a recent college graduate with a degree in music therapy. During my internship, I started a pilot program using music to support women who were hospitalized with high-risk pregnancies. I used music (particularly songwriting) as a way to help these women process the heavy emotions and connect with their babies in the midst of a stressul situation. I fell in love with the work, and knew that I wanted to continue beyond my internship. I attended a training on providing music therapy during the actual labor and delivery, and that sealed the deal. I’m all about pursuing passions, so I plan to open a private music therapy practice in 2015 to provide support services during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. The next step toward that goal is to become a certified doula, and I wholeheartedly believe that SBD is the best place to do so. {since 12.19.14}
- – Kathryn K.
- – Danielle M. – Sandra U-G.
Shannon D – I am working towards getting my Doula certification. Recently, my sister who is pregnant with her first, found out her baby has Polysistic Kidney Disease. Her little girl isn’t expected to live more than a few moments after birth if she doesn’t pass in utero. I had began my journey to become a doula before her diagnosis but now I feel drawl to help her and other women in similar situations. A scholarship would be amazing and I truly feel there is a great need for more doulas trained for these unfortunate circumstances. Thank you for your consideration! {since 07.05.13}
- $25 – gift
- $25 – Amy, in honor of her beloved three children
- $ – Monica {Josie Danielle Designs} in honor of Isaiah Daniel Jeremiah and his beautiful mother, Kerri
Tiffany E – I am a mother of one (so far ) a doula in training, as well as a placenta encapsulation specialist looking to further my education and become a more well rounded doula. I want to provide women the best service possible and have as much knowledge I can in regards to supporting women in birth and loss. I would appreciate a sponsorship so much so I can take this course. {since 07.07.13}
- $25 – gift
- $ – Monica {Josie Danielle Designs} in honor of Isaiah Daniel Jeremiah and his beautiful mother, Kerri
Monica B. – {Massachusetts} – My daughter Josie Danielle was born at 23 weeks gestation on 4/14/14. I had been hospitalized and operated on but the operation did not go as planned and I ended up with a blood infection. This pregnancy was completely healthy and normal but the trauma of my sickness caused premature labor. Josie lived for 18 hours, she was my only live birth, and she was my third loss. In addition to recurrent loss, I have a diagnosis of unexplained infertility. Through the infertility journey and my losses I have found it helpful to grieve aloud. I want to spread awareness of these difficulties and make sure that women don’t feel ashamed. It can be hard to find the help that you need if you are afraid to talk about it. I am certain that the SBD Doula training will help me achieve a greater understanding and give me the tools that I need to continue helping others in a meaningful way. My local bereavement group has a peer companion program for stillbirth and infant loss and I am sure that this doula training will help me when I decide to pursue that loss companion training too.
- Jennifer VIP
Angie W. {Hawaii} – I am the wife of an Army Soldier and the mother to two young earth-side children and 3 heavenly children. We currently live in Hawaii while my husband works at the military hospital here. I am just beginning my education to become a doula and after suffering losses of my own I knew stillbirthday was a training I needed to have. Pregnancy and birth have always been something I had great interest in and as I got older I realized how much joy I got out of serving others. Helping ease someone’s pain, comforting them when they are sad, or calm them when they are scared were skills that I held and enjoyed using. While losing my son I realized how big of an impact they made on the person receiving the support as well. My husband and I had tried for quite sometime to conceive after getting married and we were losing faith it would ever happen. I went through surgery twice to try to help correct the problem. After that failed we did numerous IUI’s and then moved onto IVF. Our first IVF we did while living abroad in South Korea and able to utilize the drastically cheaper cost. Although it failed we didn’t give up as we were being moved to an area where the military did IVF at a reduced fee for their service members. We got pregnant with twins but unfortunately did not stay that way. I lost my babies at different times in the pregnancy with the last being at 17weeks and 5 days. I had a wonderful nurse who was like my best friend while there and really did all she could do to comfort me. She made me feel like my baby was a baby! Not a late term abortion, not a fetus, but a baby! I will never forget her. I want to help other families get this support, they deserve it. I have 3 babies waiting on me in the afterlife and until I see them again my time is best spent with helping other families begin to heal. {since 10.18.14}
- Monica {Josie Danielle Designs}
Amber T. {Nevada} – I am the mother of 7. 6 in my arms still, and one in Heaven. Our daughter, Arianna, died of SIDS in 2008. Prior to Arianna’s birth and death, I was a doula. After her death, I never went back to birth work, as the fear and grief became paralyzing. Over the past few years as I’ve worked through some of the grief, I’ve started to find my passion again, and have decided to get back into it. My husband and I have also been trying to bring more resources to our little community for those experiencing the loss of a child, so this feels like a perfect fit for what I’m looking for. {since 11.16.14}
- $25 – Diana M.
- $100 – Kenneth T.
Alison H – I would like to contribute back to the birth community and the parents here. I do pro-bono doula work as both a labor and delivery doula and postpartum care doula. I was a medically specialized foster parent for 14 years for infants and toddlers. I have a passion for those in need and want to help more. {since 07.07.13}
- $25 – gift
- $100 – anonymous
Michele Z. {West Virginia} – I am the mother of two precious angel boys, Joshua and Matthew. I recently married my best friend and soul-mate and was blessed with wonderful step-children. My husband and I will never be able to have our own children. In the last two years I have been very active in the baby loss community. I have donated keepsake bags to hospitals and emergency rooms and have helped other programs by sending them things to help their program. I try to give back in this loss community as much as I can. Sometimes, financially, I have to put my memory bag program on the back burner to ensure my husband and I are stable and every time I have to do it, I hate it. I have debated for almost a year if I was going to be able to handle being a doula. I was not sure if I would be able to handle the possible triggers I know I will face. I have finally come to the conclusion that I can and will be able to handle it because even if I face a trigger…it makes me real. It makes me human. I’m willing to wait as long as it takes to be able to do this program. Even if it means I have to wait a year or two. Financially I am unable to afford this on my own at this time, which is why I am seeking sponsorship. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. {09.22.14}
- $25 – Jodi C.
- $25 – Cassie E.
- $25 – Annette K.
- $25 – Allen S.
- $25 – Daisy Doula Birth Services
Jo N./W. – Hello everyone. My name is Joann (Jo). I am 25 years old, live in Portland, Oregon, and enjoy spending time with my 3 dogs and 4 chickens. A little over one year ago, my partner and I unexpectedly lost our beautiful, firstborn son, Milo Bartholomew. Since Milo’s passing, we have been working hard to put our lives back together, and I feel that one important step of that journey for me is to do as much as I can to honor my son’s memory, and offer compassion and support to other parents going through the heartbreak of miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss. Please, if you are able, help me on this healing path by donating to my Birth and Bereavement Doula education fund. Thank you!
- $25 – Angela P.
- $25 – Serena W.
- $25 – Robert W.
- $25 – Deborah Z.
- .
- $25 – Michael P.
- $25 – Kathleen W.
- $25 – Melissa M.
Takeallah – I am a mother to a 3-month old son named Hendrix. After experiencing a surprise and unplanned pregnancy with a partner that was less than interested in participating in my or my child’s life, I battled severe depression and anxiety. Faced with a tumultuous pregnancy, riddled with financial hardship, emotional abuse, and the loss of my grandmother, as well as the immense pressure of being responsible for another human being’s life and health, I began to extensively research every aspect of parenting and became incredibly intrigued with maternal health, childbirth, and natural/non-violent/attachment parenting. As a result, I started my own birth services business, “Burning Bra Birth Services”, offering holistic education to mothers to be on various aspects of childbirth, breastfeeding, vaccinations, infant circumcision, and other elements of evidence-based/peaceful parenting. My goal as the owner of Burning Bra Birth Services is to offer support to other women who are experiencing single motherhood as low-income, as well as to women whom have experienced the loss of a child, and to empower these women with information and resources that can enhance their lives. No woman, regardless of her social status, religion, color, or age should experience a pregnancy or loss feeling alone, misinformed, and deprived of resources detrimental to her and her child’s health and happiness. {since 07.07.13}
- $25 – gift
- $50 – Karen H. in honor of her courageous friend, Rebecca
- $25 – Melissa Magnus
- $25 – Michael and Katherine
Jessie R. – {Ontario} – I am a bereaved mother who has experienced losing a 5 month old daughter to abuse by a babysitter and losses through multiple miscarriages. My passion lies in helping parents through the initial moments of loss as I feel it’s extremely beneficial to have that support network surrounding you. Becoming a SBD Doula is something I’ve wanted to be for so long now. {since 03.12.15}
- $125 – Wanda P.
Jennifer B. – {Minnesota} – I am taking a leap of faith and listening to a calling I feel has been pressed upon my heart. The calling to serve mama’s (and their families) during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. The gift of life is fragile and when a gift of an infant is loss I want to have the tools to provide support. Thank you and blessings to you! {since 03.02.15}
- $125 – Jon B.
Amber A. –
- $25 – Ashleigh M.
- $50 – Oh Sew Special Boutique
- $25 – Beverly M.
- $25 – Jill A.
Jaclyn A. – {Florida} – I’ve had a heart to be a doula since experiencing my first pregnancy, labor and birth. I have three beautiful young daughters and we lost our fourth baby in the first trimester in October of 2014. The grief process has stirred in me the desire to help other moms who have or are loosing their babies. I believe this can become an amazing ministry and I would like to team up with locals from baby loss photography teams, weighted bear teams, And ministries that turn donated wedding gowns into burial clothes for these babies. {since 03.15.15}
- $125 – Aaron A.
Nicola F. – {California} – I am currently a stay at home mom, who recently suffered the loss of our son Ezekiel who was diagnosed as incomparable with life. I knew instantly after his birth that I was created to help other families walk through this season of their life. I considered perinatal social work but after I learned about SBD, I knew instantly that this was my calling. You can follow our story at I would be honored if you would support me.
- $25 – Mary Jacobs
- $25 – Bridget Barham
- $125 – Amy Easley
- $25 – Barbara Mathias
Tamara {Washington} – We lost our daughter Marina on August 5, 2013 on the way to an emergency c-section. We were so incredibly lucky to have been present and watching her on ultrasound as her heart peacefully slowed, then stopped. Over the next two days, I labored to birth her, not knowing there was any such thing as a stillbirth doula who could have helped me through this difficult time. However, we were so fortunate to receive amazing, loving care from our midwives, nurses, and other hospital staff. I have realized since then what a gift can be given to a family when compassionate stillbirth labor care is available. I would love to do that for other mothers and families. {since 07.15.14}
- $25 – Natalie W.
- $25 – Jodi R.
- $25 – Monica W.
- $75 – Lydia S.
Ellen– I have been an OB nurse for 13 years both in community hospitals and large hospitals with high risk L and D units. I am currently in school to finish my bachelors which will allow me to progress through to my masters and pursue midwifery. I am the mother to 1 angel baby and 4 wonderful live children Jade-21 Blake-8 Brady-12 Delanie -8. I am a single mother trying to better myself for me and also to show my children anything can be done when you put your mind to it. {since 07.08.13}
- $25 – gift
- $25 – Michael and Katherine
- $75 – Amy Easley and Nicola
Karli Von Herbulis – {Florida} -I am a 27-year old mother of one daughter, Hallelujah, and three angel babies- Hannah (miscarried 7/11/12), Juniper (miscarried 1/9/15), and Hudson (born at 13 weeks, 8/25/15). My family is preparing to move to Rwanda in the spring, where I am humbly preparing to serve women in their births as a Birth and Bereavment Doula, and eventually as a midwife. The average Rwandan mother has 5 children, and the infant mortality rate is roughly 1/5. The average Rwandan mother has felt my same pain of losing a child. Please, help me serve these women by sponsoring my education as a Birth and Bereavment Doula! {since 09.22.15}
- $25 – Angela A.
- $100 – Reflect & Recreate
- $25 – Tracy P.
- $125 – John E.
- $25 – Rebecca B.
- $25 – Sara
- $75 – Glorianne
Amanda R – I am a 27 year old stay at home mother of 7 but only four are living. I have experienced 2 miscarriages and a stillbirth on my scheduled c-section date 4/5/12. After the loss of my son, Jáqnel Alexander I started an organization on the MS/AL Gulf Coast to help local families with the loss of their babies and children. As the founder of Our Gulf Coast Angels I would love also to provide these families and future families with certified personal help as I noticed on your site we do not have here in MS. {since 07.11.13}
- $25 – gift
- $25 – Lydia and Tamara
- $25 – Tracy P.
- $25 – Rebecca B.
- $25 – Sara
Nicole P – I found out I was pregnant on July 16th 2011. I was 19 and I had never wanted children. 3 weeks later, I saw my baby, I saw that precious little heartbeat. I become more and more interested in what was going on inside of me, I read countless books, and my birth was honestly perfect for me, things I could have changed? Sure, but I feel a calling to be the support of other mothers. Mothers like me. First time moms, second and third, etc. Its beautiful and its thrilling. I aspire to be a doula, midwife or nurse, maybe all three. My baby girl will be 16 months on the 23rd and she is the most amazing thing in my life. {since 07.13.13}
- $25 – gift
- $100 – John E.
Stacy A – I am a doula, I am married and have three children, and also lost two children in miscarriage. I trained through DONA in 2001, and have been blessed to work with married couples, single moms, teenage moms, VBAC moms, and moms experiencing birth after previous loss. My passion is serving, teaching, and birth. I have been part of the stillbirthday community for several years now and would like to become certified as a stillbirthday doula. Loss of a child through miscarriage or stillbirth is a traumatic and grief filled experience. Having supportive, empathetic and knowledgeable caregivers present during a stillbirth can provide parents with a sense of comfort and peace. My training and experience as a doula will be more complete after this specialized training and provide me with the opportunity to serve women experiencing stillbirth. {since 07.16.13}
- $25 – gift
- $25 – John E.
- $75 – Glorianne
Bernadette – I am the mother of a still born baby girl I lost Karissa one day before a scheduled c-section! I lived in NYS at the time I had my daughter NYS did not issue birth certificates to stillborn babies which infuriated me I along with other still parents across NY fought the government and won as of Sept 2011 it is now a law that if the parents of stillborn children wish to obtain a birth certificate they can. I can do much more with this degree I do however am not in the financial position to do so on my own so whatever help I can receive will be greatly appreciated. {since 07.17.13}
- $25 – gift
- $100 – Daniel DuChene
Elizabeth L – While trying to conceive our now son, we experience the loss of two children in the first trimester (a third recently). It was the hardest thing I had ever experienced and I felt like I had nobody to turn to who would understand and support me like I was looking for. I was able to take my pain though and turn it into positive energy. I because obsessed with all things conception, pregnancy, and baby related and loved talking to women (and men) about it and just giving an ear to listen for those grieving the loss of a child or the loss of a dream (infertility). I knew I had found my calling. I had never felt such a fire or drive about any “job” before. I want to become a doula (and birth photographer) to help all families in that moment that should be special even if earth shattering all at once. The life that was and love that always will be should be supported not ignored, no matter how early the pregnancy was! {since 07.17.13}
- $25 – Amanda H
- $25 – gift
- $75 – Daniel DuChene
Michelle C – I am a doula in training. I have already paid for a certification thru ICEA. I wish i would have know about this class. It sounds like an awesome approach to doula training. I didn’t know anyone offered training for loss. Such a huge help! I want to support all moms and that means I need to know how to support moms through loss too. {since 07.20.13}
- $25 – gift
- $100 – Jillian H.
Heidi N– I am a mother of two desiring to become a doula. My journey toward a VBAC has opened my eyes to a completely different realm of birthing and how each woman makes her own journey into motherhood. I feel I can handle the role of being a doula because I’ve been through cirumstances in which I needed my own support, because I’m passionate about respecting women’s rights, because I care for mothers and families who are going through triumph or tragedy, because I want to make the most important time of someone’s life memorable. {since 07.21.13}
- $25 – gift
- $25 – Jillian H.
- $75 – Nika Johnson, Birdsong Birth & Wellness
Brittany S. – {Wisconsin} – I’m interested in becoming a bereavement doula in honor of my daughter Hope, born sleeping 11/08/2014. I had a doula present while I brought my beautiful daughter into this world and having her presence was truly remarkable and it’s my goal to help another mother, father and family in need. I want to make my daughter proud and want her to know I will always remember her and this is my way of doing so. If you choose to support me I appreciate the help and I promise I will make a difference, thank you from the bottom of my heart! {since 01.22.15}
Daniel’s Doulas
We will record all sponsoring and total that here, where then LeighAnne will be able to choose how to delegate the funding for Daniel’s and Aria’s Doulas.
- $25 – Kerri Lynn Tom
- $25 – Amy Kelly
- $50 – Honeyfund – Shannan Wells