Rainbow Milk


If you have faced post-loss lactation and have shared your milk:

  • with a surviving multiple
  • with a surviving older sibling
  • with another baby, either through pumping or direct wetnursing

Or if you are a mother nursing your subsequent baby, and this has brought you into a new facet of your grief, as you mourn that nursing relationship not had with your beloved, deceased baby.

Or if you are a bereaved mother who has not experienced lactation at all, but who wants a beautiful keepsake that honors your very real motherhood and all that you are grieving.

We at stillbirthday call this our Rainbow Milk Campaign – an opportunity for you to share photos and stories of this sort of tandem nursing, and see the stories and photos shared by other stillbirthday mothers.  You can also purchase your very own stillbirthday Rainbow Milk teether/necklace.

Related: Love Letters

Sarah-Anne is the first baby photographed in our Rainbow Milk campaign. Her mama was pregnant with triplets and lost all 3 babies. All girls, they collectively refer to them as ‘Hope’. This photo was taken during Sarah-Anne’s first birthday party; it was rainbow-themed.  Canary Lane, a very special photographer and friend, is also an SBD doula student.

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I would not undo his existence just to undo my pain.

Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.

— George Eliot

Much more than pro-life or pro-choice, I am pro-healing.

— an SBD Doula

I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different.

— T.S. Eliot

Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, without hurrying.

— Jean Cocteau
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See Our Babies Birth Support Find an SBD Doula Include Your Beloved Babies' Names

Enroll now in the Birth & Bereavement Doula® program!

We onboard enrolled students into the program by email invitation.

After tuition, you can email heidi.faith@stillbirthday.com directly to expedite this step.  Alternatively, if you prefer fb communications, you can join us in Admissions.

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