Faculty Aide Cheryl Anderson, SBD


Cheryl Anderson, SBD

Cheryl has dedicated her services in honor of her precious daughter Evelyn (Evie) Cheyanne McDowell.

Cheryl has graduated from Stillbirthday University and earned the SBD Credential as a Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula. Cheryl has experienced both the exciting and heartbreaking reality of five births and one ectopic pregnancy. Cheryl’s first daughter was born sleeping when Cheryl was eight months pregnant in 1997. Cheryl has an abundant amount of personal experience, knowledge, and education. Cheryl has a son born at 35 weeks, a daughter born at 31 weeks, a daughter born at 26 weeks, and a son born at 34 weeks. Cheryl specializes in High-Risk Pregnancies, Premature Labor & Delivery, extended hospital stays for mothers in premature labor, and extended NICU stays for babies. Cheryl has a BA in Psychology and has worked as a Crisis Specialist serving the Greater Phoenix area with the State of Arizona. Cheryl is a naturally empathic Certified SBD that provides resources and encouragement to women and families in her community. Cheryl is an ordained Minister and provides services to mothers and their families during their time of need. She has an extensive background in collaborating with women, families, and communities and is currently earning her master’s degree in Health Care Administration. Cheryl provides Doula Support Services, Adoption & Surrogate Mother Doula Support Services, Chaplin Services, Parent Education, and Mobile Notary Services for hospital legal documents.

Cheryl provides Faculty Aide services to enrolled stillbirthday students, and provides the Evie Foundation (Faculty Aide) scholarship.

You can connect with Cheryl to secure her services here.

Cheryl on facebook.

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I would not undo his existence just to undo my pain.

Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.

— George Eliot

Much more than pro-life or pro-choice, I am pro-healing.

— an SBD Doula

I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different.

— T.S. Eliot

Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, without hurrying.

— Jean Cocteau
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Enroll now in the Birth & Bereavement Doula® program!

We onboard enrolled students into the program by email invitation.

After tuition, you can email heidi.faith@stillbirthday.com directly to expedite this step.  Alternatively, if you prefer fb communications, you can join us in Admissions.

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