The Nestle Boycott

International Nestle Free week is October 29 – November 4, 2012.

The boycott is an attempt to put pressure on Nestle executives from ceasing their marketing strategies of infant formula by using strategies that violate international standards, failing to act to end child slavery, failing to source sustainable palm oil and thus destroying the Indonesian rainforest, refusing to recognize court rulings in the Philippines over worker rights, and neglecting to include warnings and labels that meet the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines regarding safe handling of the infant formula they market globally in already challenged countries (source).  Their “Fairtrade” guise only serves to mock the urgency and importance of the dangers to life and livelihood they inflict.

In these and more ways, Nestle is putting infants at risk of sickness and death, on a global scale.

Here is a list of brands marketed through Nestle.


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